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Numbers for MELTimodal Schools

First, the teacher will decide when to use the material in the lesson. There is also a glossary that can be used for unknown words. 

Instructions for teachers:

  • Look around! Take a big breath in. Do you see one fluffy cloud in the sky? Say "one" with me! One cloud, so big and white.                

  • Now breathe out slowly. Feel the air on your lips? Wiggle your two fingers and say "two" with me! Two fingers, ready to play!                                                                                                                                   

  • Close your eyes again. Listen! Can you hear three little birds singing? Say "three" with me! Three birds singing a happy song.                                                                                                                                          

  • Open your eyes! Look at your four colorful crayons. Touch one and say "one," then another and say "two," then another and say "three," and finally the last one and say "four" with me! Four crayons for drawing pictures.              

  • Now, wiggle your five fingers and say "five" with me! Five fingers to draw a picture!                                                 

  • Look at your friend's desk. See six pencils waiting to write? Hold up one finger and say "one," then another and say "two," all the way to six and say "six" with me!                                            

  • Can you spot seven birds on a tree? Hold up one finger at a time and count with me: "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven! Seven birds!                                                                                                                                         

  • Close your eyes again. Listen carefully. Do you hear eight happy claps?  Clap your hands with me and say "eight!" Eight claps to celebrate a sunny day.                                                                                                                          

  • Take another big breath in. Smell something sweet? Breathe out slowly. Imagine nine juicy grapes hanging from a branch! Say "nine" with me!  Nine grapes waiting to be picked.                                                                                  

  • Open your eyes and stretch your arms high! Can you touch the ceiling?  Jump up and down ten times and say "ten" with me each time you land! Ten jumps for a happy heart!                                                                                 

  • Numbers are everywhere, aren't they? They help us count all the fun things around us.                                                       






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